Seven things you may not know about me!

I woke up this morning, New Years Day, and noticed that I was tagged by my childhood friend, Terry Bean, for a MEME!

So I thought I’d take this time to tell you Seven Things About Me that you may not know. But first, the rules:

Here are the rules for my fellow bloggers:

  • Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
  • Share seven facts about yourself in the post – some random, some weird.
  • Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
  • Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.

Now on the the seven things:

1) I really am not a big sports fan. Yes, I follow the Detroit Red Wings, and do enjoy going to a game occasionally – but it’s not something I feel I must do every possible moment.

2) I’ve been a computer nerd/geek since my very first video game system, Atari 2600, back in 1977. My first computer was a Vic-20, then Commodore 64, and I fought hard never to buy a IBM PC, but finally broke down and bought a 286 around 1991. Then I wondered what took me so long!

3) Although my surroundings don’t show it, I really do like to be clean and organized. Something i’m working on doing better in 2009.

4) I have very little knowledge of my family tree on my father’s side. After he passed away, I had little to no contact with anyone that is related to that side of my family. Someday I would like to find out if there are any living relatives on that side of my family.

5) I really don’t ask for help until the last possible minute. I really would rather do things on my own and i’m pretty stubborn about it.

6) The person I am today is vastly different than the person I was 10 or more years ago. I used to be very shy up until I was about 30 years old, and I made many changes since my 30th birthday to help reduce that. However, I still fall back into my shyness on occasion.

7) I usually don’t participate in these sort of MEMEs, but Terry is a childhood friend that I am glad i’m still in touch with. Back in my Blog hey-day in the early 2000’s I used to participate much more, maybe i’ll start it again though in 2009, who knows!!

Seven people I tag for this MEME: Aaron Bates (The Big Show), Matt (Redboy podcast), Mike (Most People Are DJs), Jim (Hello From Michigan), Derek Coward (Deliberate Noise), Jack (WanderRadio), Matt (Digital Detroit Radio)

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2 thoughts on “Seven things you may not know about me!”

  1. Now! Tell ME!

    Does anyone REALLY think ol’ Zaldor is Shy?!

    I can say though I have to run the broom around his desk several times a day though. My Boss says its a must!

    C Ya!

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