4th Annual Anti-Christmas episode! #216

Yes, it’s that time of year again, time for the annual anti-christmas episode of Zaldor’s World! Now, let me say that just because this is an “anti-christmas” theme, it doesn’t mean that all the songs are against christmas – most of them are more along the lines of the funny and unfortunate side of christmas… It’s all in fun 🙂

I found the majority of these songs on The FuMP web site – Thanks again to WanderWolf of WanderRadio of the info about the site! It’s a great site for some funny music!!

Stay tuned for the complete episode, I give you a special gift at the end! 😉

Music From:
Jonathan Coulton
Robert Lund
Consortium of Genius
Devo Spice
Worm Quartet
Moneyshot Cosmonauts

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5 thoughts on “4th Annual Anti-Christmas episode! #216”

  1. blah blah blah…it’s only stressful if you let it be that way. 😛

    Honestly the greed is annoying…just need to enjoy the time with family and friends and not get worked up about the rest. Great song at the end. 😉

    and Nope I’m not getting a thong he is! 😛

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