Getting the creativity juices flowing again…


Thanks to Ed Roberts for sharing this great post from CC Chapman (of Accident Hash) via Google Reader!  This really hit things on the head for me, as lately i’ve been struggling with creativity.  I need to find a way to spark the creativity more often and bring it back to the forefront.

A few things that I find that do spark the creativity for me:

  • – Spending time with my son, Trent, doing fun things
    • (video games, for example)
  • – Listening to music
  • – Playing video games alone or online (which reminds me, I now have a computer that will let me play Neverwinter Nights 2!)
  • – Writing blog posts
  • – Photography (something i’d like to do even more of)
  • – Podcasting
  • – Walking/working out while listening to mp3 player cranked up as loud as possible
  • – Web page programming, computer building, learning linux

These are just a few of things that pop in my head and I hope to do more of in the future, especially now that the weather is finally warming up! The problem is, I haven’t done much of the above lately – and I can tell the difference!

Many people tend to the importance of exercising your muscles, but not many talk about exercising your creativity… This is something that should be just as important as regular exercise, as without creativity, your mind tends to become mush… at least that’s what happens to me.

Also, while I was looking for an image for this post, I stumbled upon this great LifeHack post about rejuvenating your creativity!

So I’m taking this inspiration from CC‘s post as my “kick in the ass” and going to work on starting up exercising my creativity!!

Thanks again to Ed and CC!

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