This is way cool – better than I had hoped! NIN just announced the fall US tour dates, and they’re coming to Detroit (of course) on October 8th and playing at Joe Louis Arena!! Much better (IMHO) than the Palace… Queens of the Stone Age are opening up for NIN… also very cool! As soon as tix go on sale… I’m buyin’ floor! 😉
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Les where are my drunkin ramblings???? LOL Be there thursday(the bar)…except Im off Friday…Lemme know when tickets go on sale …whats the date?
I told ya that Spike wouldn’t lie! Have fun…don’t think I’ll be buying tickets! 😛 Well maybe I will…who knows…speaking of Queens of the Stoneage…just picked up a foreign single for 99 cents at Media Play…it has 3 (maybe 4) songs on it…but for 99 cents…why not!