Alright, i’m getting tired of the spam, I got probably another 20 since I posted last… So I went and installed the wp-plugin manager found at and activated the spam karma plugin. Lets see if it works!
Yes, I know you guys haven’t seen a single spam comment on this site, that’s because I moderate comments which have any web links, so if you leave a comment and don’t put a web link in it, you get automatically approved!
Isn’t that special?
Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend… here in Michigan, we just got about 1 foot of snow this morning… that was fun digging my car out to go to the gym, but I did it!!! 🙂
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Oh just listen to you showing off about all your plugins. You know I can’t do those damn plugins in WP to save my life. You’re just trying to make me jealous **wink**.