Weekends just aren’t long enough

Had a great, incredible, amazing, fantastic, super, fun weekend. 🙂

Spent a lot of quality time with Trent, and he also got to see an old friend that he hasn’t seen in a while, my buddy Randy’s son, Alex… They had a blast together on Saturday…
Got the holiday christmas decorations up around here today, hard to believe it’s only 19 days until christmas… and I haven’t done much shopping yet!! I know what I’ll be doing next weekend… 😉

However, I did manage to get a “wish list” of my own up, using the nifty new froogle wish list… 🙂 Check it out here – Lots of nifty new stuff there, and hopefully I’ll receive some… Now I gotta work on doing the same thing with Trent… Ugh. Hard getting ideas outta him!

That’s about it for now – I need sleep after the busy and fun weekend 🙂

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One thought on “Weekends just aren’t long enough”

  1. Hey… if you don’t end up getting it, I already have the book “Body Farm” – you can borrow it if you want.

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