- Oh… I’m a podcaster… I guess that means I should put out some podcasts, eh? been 2 weeks for Zaldor’s World – longer for IR:Detroit!! #
- @barely Subscribe to Zander’s… umm.. Zaldor’s World… 😉 #
- @darlycognito: I Comply. #
- @darylcognito: Yes, guess that’s a good question for Barely! @Barely, what shows do you like? #
- Finishing up Barely Podcasting #74 – Recap from Barely’s vacation! #
- @Barely LOL Been a subscriber for a while now sir… Zandor errr… ZALDOR will be giving you an intro soon too.. 😉 #
- Listening to Most People Are DJ’s #102 – interview/show w/James from Any Day In June #
- @bigshow When’s the Live Big Show, still on Thurs?? 🙁 #
- Rumor on the JJ Abrams movie that the trailer was before Transformers: The movie is “Voltron” #
- @bigshow I wouldn’t think that Godzilla would be possible, Paramount owns it, why would they license it? #
- @speljamr Thundercats! Now that’s a live action movie that would rock! 😉 #
- @comedy4cast Alternate as in alternate universe? #
- Listening to High Orbit Podcast #46 – Music review episode #
- Headed from work to home #
- why in the world do they have ‘Life Alert’ commercials on Cartoon Network at 7:30p??? #
- @madtownaces good answer, but can’t imagine grandma watchin’ “Code Lyoko” #
- @TSDivaDani and @KnitWitch, I’ve got ya both – it’s been 20 years… and i’m gonna miss my reunion next weekend 🙁 #
- That reminds me, I gotta send back the little survey thing for the reunion… #
- @andycaster wow, and I thought I was older than you! #
- @andycaster But you’re a halloween baby, that’s very cool 🙂 #
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