You say you hungry – I give you meat

Hey! Guess what? I made my first “Official” Podcast! Yes, that’s right – It’s done… It’s huge, and it’s long – but it’s worth listening to it all – The first half or so I share my thoughts while I travel from work, to the gym, to wallyball with co-workers, and then to Karaoke – where the 2nd half has interviews from the bar, bad karaoke (including yours truly with comments from Jim :P)….

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the first OFFICIAL Zaldor’s World Podcast…

Again, if you want to subscribe to my podcasts, be sure to click this!

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2 thoughts on “You say you hungry – I give you meat”

  1. LOL… your homosexual fantasies with that guy in the bar? the girl singing and BUTCHERING that song… oh my.

    Through the interview type stuff at the bar, I laughed so hard I cried 🙂

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