Ok, so i’m becoming addicted to podcasts… I’m even thinking about doing one myself. Can’t say it would have the caliper of some of the ones I’ve heard (Adam Curry, Matt @ Digital Detroit Radio, The Bitterest Pill, and more) but that’s not what it’s about… it’s about getting your voice, your thoughts, your emotions, and more out there… And I’ve got a good idea too for my podcast… but you’ll have to wait for that one…
I wanna make it something that people will wanna come back and hear the next podcast (if I do one!) …
And if you don’t know what a podcast is – well, think of an audio version of a blog, add music, add sound effects – and more… that’s pretty much it. But it’s more personal than a blog, IMHO.
So stay tuned to Zaldor’s World – Zaldor’s Podcast may be coming to a PC (or Mac) near you real soon… 🙂
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song=Terrible Lie
yeah well you’re gonna have to show me how to tune into it with the mp3 thing when it arrives! 😛 Like I need to have any more distractions!!!