Hey – I hope everyone had a happy and fun Thanksgiving! I did! Spent the afternoon watching the Lions lose – was at Ford Field for the game! It was a yawner of a game, but still great to be there for the Thanksgiving tradition! This is the 2nd game I’ve been to at Ford Field, the last one was 2 years ago (pics of that are still on my site, and I’ll have pics from today’s too later sometime… when I get to it… lol)… Today I was going to take my son, but that didn’t work out, unfortunately. Instead I took my buddy Randy – and we had a great time. The first half we had seats in the end zone, 3rd level, then after half-time we switched with my cousins and sat on the 50 yard line about 25 rows from the field. Great vantage point to watch the Lions lose!!! Yes, the score was a miserable 41 Colts – 9 Lions… Pathetic!!!
After the game I took Randy home, then went to my aunt’s … had dinner, and now I’m at home and gonna watch a movie I rented, THX-1138… George Lucas’ first movie that was re-released on DVD a month or so ago… I think I watched it long ago, and I enjoyed it – looking forward to the DVD version…
That’s about it! Looking forward to the rest of the weekend, Birthday for my nephew who turned one yesterday, and birthday stuff for me this weekend, and I turn 35! Woo hoo! 🙂
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Hope you had a wonderful holiday Les.