It’s about time!

Just found out last night that today they are releasing the first and second seasons of one of my favorite sci-fi TV shows – SLIDERS!! It’s about time they release ’em, I hope they release all the other seasons too! I know what I’ll be buying, or getting for birthday/christmas!

I’ve been a Sliders fan since it started, followed it to Sci-Fi Channel – and have even read some of the fan episodes that are out there!

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2 thoughts on “It’s about time!”

  1. I forgot all about that show. Wow I loved it when it was on and then it went to sci-fi. I’ll have to get it.

  2. I loved it when Wade (sp?) was the only girl. But when they brought on the other chick I hated it with a passion. Got kind of corny for me, but hey I liked Dawson’s Creek and I was in my late twenties then.

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