#337 – Inside Zaldor’s World!

Jam packed with music and thoughts on what i’ve been up to, this is Zaldor’s World and you’re just living in it!

Thanks to Jen from Inside my head for the great intro, Olin Ezra from The Olin Ezra Show, and The Country Co Worker for the great comments in the show! Also talk about Hoo Hoo Nick and his leaving podcasting and his website is for sale!

Music from:

Show Me The Skyline
Shawn Fisher
Mama’s Dirty Li’l Secret
Michael Behm
DJ Motion Potion

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Zaldor’s World Podcast : #337 – Inside Zaldor’s World!

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One thought on “#337 – Inside Zaldor’s World!”

  1. Thanks for playing the intro I sent in! So glad you liked it. 😀

    Show Me The Skyline sound great, and I also really enjoyed the song by Shawn Fisher.

    Derek and the Darling broke up? That’s a bummer.

    I’m not sure I understand what the purpose of the bonfire was…. unless it was an excuse to drink. Sounds like you had fun, though.

    The gaming project thing you mentioned sounds exciting. I would like to see pictures of it, as it progresses.

    The little extra segment that you put at the end of this show made me laugh!

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