#237 – Interview week continues with SuLE

It’s day Three of interview week – two more interviews to go!


This interview is with a great rock/funk/soul artist from Montreal, Quebec – SuLE (myspace)

Sule (Sou-Lay) has been playing music since the age of five and has been plugging away on his music career for roughly the past15 years. A music career is a multi faceted thing involving different disciplines and skill sets and Sule has been involved in as many as possible. He began as a student of the piano but quickly switched to the guitar. Singing, songwriting and a naturally good ear came as gifts to Sule and he’s used these to launch himself in various directions.

This interview was first broadcast on my LIVE show on BounceRadio.net – You can listen to me on Mondays 7p-10p ET and Tues 6p-8p ET – I am scheduling many more interviews and that will be the place to hear them FIRST!

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