Returned from camping!

Camping was a blast – you can see pictures here at my flickr page, Trent did a great job with his first time on the river alone in a kayak!

We did have a little rain on Saturday, but all in all it was a great time. Lots of fun, lots of friends, and lots of memories.

You’re welcome to check out the live page, there are some recordings there that I did while at the camp site – I even did a mini-co-host with Joe from The Next Big Thing on Bounce Radio for a little bit. It was pretty cool to be doing a live stream on Bounce from camp! Other streaming highlights were with Nick of Hoo Hoo Nick where he was singing and playing his guitar – as well as cooking some eggs while I was sitting at the picnic table! Very cool having the technology at the campground to do all that! Of course, lets not forget the skype call I did with my friend James from Minutes After Midnight – he was in Mongolia, and I was in Michigan! He was checking out the river, while I saw outside his hotel window at the capital of Mongolia! Wow.

But, it’s time to return to reality now. Work calls, the BounceRadio shows call, karaoke hosting calls, and of course both podcasts call. It’s all worth it.

I’ve got a lot of stuff ahead of me, quite a few interviews are still in need of editing – and a few are on the horizon. This is what i love to do – and I have no intention of stopping!!

Stay posted everyone, the future is before us – and it’s going to be great!

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