Episode 522 – Two Decades and still going!

Yes, it’s true, i’m back and it’s really my voice on the podcast! What have I been up to?

Jeep stuff, baseball, summer moments, reminiscing about 2 decades, and music!

Music From:
* Aesthetic Perfection – Into The Void
* Able Machines – Selfmachine
* Bryan Andrews – Hey, Mom
* Lizette& – Like I Do

Keep staying subscribed, I’ll be back again before you know it!!

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#198 – A Trip down memory lane…

Hard to believe that i’m almost to 200 episodes!

In this episode, I decided to take a trip back and look at some artists that I played on Zaldor’s World in the past and see how they’re doing today!

This episode was also broadcast live via Ustream.tv – which I hope to be doing for episode #200 soon! Go to http://www.ustream.tv and sign up so you can see the show live, and if you want to call in, my Skype ID is ZALDOR_ONE !

Music Played:

Lennon (First Played on episode #60!)
The Transfer (First Played on episode #27)
Ray Street Park (First Played on episode #10)
The Beggars (Never before played on Zaldor’s World?! You can hear interview with them on IR:Detroit#9)
Munk (First Played on episode #98)
Lizette& (First Played on episode #48)
Larry Dane

Voice Mails from:

Country Co-Worker
Country Cousin
Freaky Co-worker
Larry Dane

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