Zoe Vette joins me again as we interview Simon Jackson of the Spirit Bear Coalition!

Zoe Vette joins me again as we interview Simon Jackson of the Spirit Bear Youth Coalition. This is a very informative interivew and well worth the listen. Simon has been working on saving the Spirit Bear over the last 14 years – He started when he was 13, and has been working towards the goal ever since. He is now 27, and has only one third of the habitat left to save.

Music from:

3 Blind Mice

Austin Hartley-Leonard

Arthur Pope

Zoe Vette & The Revolvers


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Zaldor’s World Podcast : Zoe Vette joins me again as we interview Simon Jackson of the Spirit Bear Coalition!

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2 thoughts on “Zoe Vette joins me again as we interview Simon Jackson of the Spirit Bear Coalition!”

  1. I did a painting Spirit Bear 5 yrs agoI even titled it Spirit Bear.
    –I thought I was doing a fantasy animal–had never heard of these real white bears. Yesterday I stumbled across a photo in National Wildlife Mag. I was BLOWN AWAY and feel their must be some mystical connection for me. Am eager to help save these spirit beings in any way possible.
    Please contact me with all info so that I can donate and become involved with your organizaton.
    Snail Mail: NanciCogburn
    1080 Buschmann #9
    Paradise, Ca.

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