Recorded after Maria and I went to London, Ontario to see The Pursuit of Happiness and The Odds at London Music hall! Includes interview with David Reed, Co-owner of Forked River Brewing which created a special IPA for the show: “The Pursuit of Hoppiness!”
Passion. That is what you feel from a Blue October concert. The passion of the lead singer Justin Furstenfeld, the passion of the band, and the passion of the audience. The show at Royal Oak Music Theater in Detroit was incredible, Blue October started the night with their latest single, Daylight and went into some of their older hits: The Chills and I Want it.
The audience fed off the energy from the band, and gave it right back to them. Many of those in the audience sung along, some just as loud as the band played! Much of the passion felt from Justin was also in the words he spoke between songs, sometimes preaching how you should be yourself and not take anything from anyone before “I’ll Do Me, You Do you” from their latest album, and other times telling the story of how his home life is before the song “Home” from the album Home.
It’s been said that going to a Blue October show is like going to church, and I couldn’t agree more. Justin and the band provided a brilliant soundtrack for the evening, and left fans wanting more. They ended the set with “Leave it in the dressing room”, where they took a quick break and returned for a few more songs. The encore started with an awesome acoustic version of “Hate Me”, which is where Justin’s voice really shines through with passion. The rest of the band returned to finish out the encore, which ended with the title song off their latest album, “I Hope You’re Happy”.
This was my very first Blue October live show, and I will say that I will definitely see them again. Their latest album (I Hope you’re Happy) is certainly worth checking out, and also check out the short film, Am I Happy, loosely based on the song “I Hope You’re Happy”
Yes, you saw that right – I just dropped a bomb, Zaldor’s World is returning to the old format, music and more! This show brings back new music, and some information too! Keep your feed up to date, be sure you’re subscribed for new episodes!!!
Yep, it’s the last podcast of September, just giving a few updates and keeping you posted for more in the future… Be sure to check out Brian Vander Ark, he put on a great show at my buddy’s house in September!! Sphere: Related Content
Crazy times around the south of the USA – in this episode I talk about Harvey and Irma, and how Irma hit me the most – as Maria and I were just down there in Marco Island/Miami earlier this year.
Ok, made it back from Oklahoma safe and sound – had a great trip! This episode I run down the weekend, and also talk about the loss of Chester Bennington from Linkin Park… ðŸ™
Just a quick episode before we head out for the reunion that is this weekend, should be a great trip! Also talk about what Maria and I did for our anniversary, and other great stuff to catch you up… 🙂 Sphere: Related Content
Back again for another podcast, and also some brief reminiscing about the old days of podcasting thanks to Wander Radio and his remix of PodPeople by Munk!