#360 – Spin around for Zaldor!

My ramling to being you up to date with camping, my new projects, olin ezra, and why I want YOU to go camping in 2011!!


Music from:

Attention Thieves
Gilli Moon
Android Lust
The On Fires

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Zaldor’s World Podcast : #360 – Spin around for Zaldor!

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One thought on “#360 – Spin around for Zaldor!”

  1. Sounds like your camping trip was fun. Glad to hear you though it was “the perfect weekend”. 🙂

    I cannot go camping. I tried camping a few times when I was much younger, and learned the hard way that this is not something I should ever do again. Wasn’t the smartest idea, considering how allergic I am to nature in general. Nature hates me! It does sound like fun, though.

    I liked the mix of music you selected for this episode.

    Thanks for the shout out for my Inside My Head show. And you got the name of website I write for correct! Awesome! 🙂

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