#371 – Lots of great stuff happening!

This episode brings me talking about what’s been going on, why i’m leaving BounceRadio, and what the future holds for a live version of Zaldor’s World… oh and NaPodPoMo too!

 Speaking of NaPodPoMo – going to try something new this year, video podacast, shorter shows, and YOU! Yes, I’d like you to call 877-ZALDOR-9 and tell me what you’re up to and what song you’d like to hear on Zaldor’s World!  So do it NOW so I can hear all about you and let the world know too!!

Voicemails from: Freaky CoWorker and JB Said

Music From:

The Band Split
The Public Good
Lost City Radio

Direct Download

Zaldor’s World Podcast : #371 – Lots of great stuff happening!

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