#371 – Lots of great stuff happening!

This episode brings me talking about what’s been going on, why i’m leaving BounceRadio, and what the future holds for a live version of Zaldor’s World… oh and NaPodPoMo too!

 Speaking of NaPodPoMo – going to try something new this year, video podacast, shorter shows, and YOU! Yes, I’d like you to call 877-ZALDOR-9 and tell me what you’re up to and what song you’d like to hear on Zaldor’s World!  So do it NOW so I can hear all about you and let the world know too!!

Voicemails from: Freaky CoWorker and JB Said

Music From:

The Band Split
The Public Good
Lost City Radio

Direct Download

Zaldor’s World Podcast : #371 – Lots of great stuff happening!

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One thought on “#371 – Lots of great stuff happening!”

  1. Yay for NaPodPoMo! I am happy that you are involved in it this year. I’m, looking forward to hear what you come up with this month.

    Good luck with the new studio, and new radio station! 🙂

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